The Nutritional Therapy Association believes every person’s nutritional needs are unique to themselves and, by utilizing the wisdom of our ancestors in combination with contemporary research, we can work to balance the very foundations of our health and reverse the damage done by today’s modern diet. The NTA provides us with the knowledge to transform an individual’s health using nutrient dense, properly prepared, whole foods. They bring together like minded people to connect, learn from each other and work together to change the way society approaches health and wellness. Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (NTPs), who are certified by the NTA, empower individuals to take control of their own health and work with them to reach their personal health goals. Each interaction is adapted to the individual client to meet their specific needs — there is no One Size Fits All plan here! By using proper nutrition, positive lifestyle changes and reversing nutrient deficiencies, NTP’s help set the stage for the optimal health each of us deserve!

A big focus of the program is the consideration of each person’s bio-individuality. Bio-individuality is basically just a fancy way of saying that each person is unique and, as such, each of our diets (beyond being comprised of nutrient dense, whole foods) will vary depending on many factors. These can include genetics, current health status, gut microbiome and even personal taste. In fact, what is properly nourishing for a person at this moment in time may not be as nourishing further down the road if any of these factors change. (Pregnant vs non-pregnant, digestive health etc.) Respecting bio-individuality is significant. It highlights the fact that there is no single type of diet that will work for everyone. The road to true health is dependent on finding out what works best for you in the moment and recognizing when your nutritional needs have changed. Figuring all this out can feel a little like throwing darts at a moving target, but don’t worry!! Nutritional Therapy Practitioners help clients learn to recognize and listen to what your body is telling you it needs (or doesn’t need!). Our bodies have innate intelligence – sounds a little hokey I know! But, the body uses this intelligence to govern every single action in our bodies, to heal itself and bring us back to optimal health. To supply the body with the ingredients (or nutrients) it needs to carry out all these tasks, there are certain fundamental factors that need to be brought back into balance. We refer to these as “The Nutritional Foundations”. It’s kinda like building a house, if the foundation is shaky – that house isn’t going to stand for very long!
In my next post I’ll go over what we consider to be the foundations of Nutritional Therapy and how they support our health! If you’d like to leave me a comment, click on the post’s title! Thanks!
Excellent explanation Shannon!
Thanks Lisa! My first comment! Woo Hoo!